Mysterious is the silence of mystics. Mystic revelation is only possible when silence is perfected. In them silence is an expression of the blessedness of the inner freedom. In silence they listen to God's blissful song of His sacred World. God has been eternally singing in silence, unobserved, unheard except by those who experience His infinite Silence. Above the tumult of voices, His Silence reigns supreme. In silence it is possible for man to surrender completely to God; then God reveals Himself in His full glory, His infinite power, His unfathomable knowledge and His eternal existence.
Silence is pure existence. In the absolute sense, silence has neither a begining nor end. It abides as only Reality. It is ever the uncreated, everlasting being in existence. Even though silence is an all-pervading Reality, there are hardly a few who experience it. This expirience is different from every other kind of expeirence. To experience silence is to get lost in silence. One has to lose everything includeing oneself if God is to be found. All the words sponken from the beginingless begining to the endless end also get lost in the Infinite Silence of God. Blessed is the Word that comes forth from the fullness of silence. God created this universe with that sacred Word. Only in silence the Word of God can be heard. By merely avoiding speech one is far from being silent.When silence ceases to be the guiding force, however, the apparent quietness might be idleness. If one allows himself to be consumed by idleness, life becomes tragic. Silence is not inaction. It transcends all actions and inactions.
Have you ever imagined a world where there is nothing but silence ? In the world of silence, eternity IS. Pure time exists in silence as timelessness. Silence is a basic phenomenon which cannot be traced back to anything else. In silence man can witness the original being of all things. In silence the limitless and the limited are all together. Silence can exist without speech; but speech cannot exist without silence. When the tree of life is manured with silence the blossoms of happiness and contentment are at their best. All teh misery and unhappiness in man is because the silence is man has exploded. When I look at the present-day human life it appears to be the ruins of silence.
Words of men are not authority. In the absolute sense, all words are too inflexible, because at the most they only suggest the Real. So long as a path of attainement exists, words may be useful; one may receive inspiration from the words of great ones. It is philosophically more easy to teach the entire world than to point out the path for one sincere aspirant.
Simple speech conveys most truth. Extensive logic, diction and commentaries are putrid - ignorance shielding itself. The true ones tread the mystic path in all humility guided by the Perfect One in Silence.
When man realizes the Eternal, his karma is finished and goal attained. The goal being qchieved, NOW remains the only possible consciousness. In living NOW there can be no goal.
In renunciation of search lies peace, but this can never be forced by mental discipline or external aids. Renunciation comes when you are ready. Fleeing from one's family is no solution. Those who flee are never free. Freedom faces creation, bondage seeks to escape environment. Stop; when silence knocks. Let go, and know at last thine own. Letting go is never to a known object. If you have mastered control of senses, stop controlling and renounce to the Whole. Then such an ecstatic force that a thousand religious reformers could not produce will enter and transmute your being. Then you will know the purpose of your devotion and wisdom of mastery. You will know the first and the last. But above all you will Know. To be all absorbed in consmic consciousness is to be unconscious of individuality; in individuality lies distortion. One understands this when his silence is perfected. Present, past, future dissolve into Silence Eternal.
In silence, if you could be conscious of your ignorance, your attitude is reverent. Conscious ignorance is humility. Divine ignorance is human. Human ignorance is divine. Perfect silence is illumination. Illumination expresses itself in golden waves of silence. In illumination one transcends thoughts; thoughts are but shadows of the consciousness that projects them into this form. There are many who give sermons and discourses about the mystery of God. It often fails to affect humanity deeply, because those words fail to come out of silence. God cannot be discussed and argued about. God is to be realized in silence. Man in his ignorance sometimes feels that noise has overpowered silence. Man becomes restless when the silence in him goes to sleep. Deep silence gives man the power to make his noisy years seem moments in the being of the Eternal Silence. In deep silence God ceases to be an object but becomes an experience. In the world of noise life is governed by the possibility of illusions.
Blessed is the silence of nature. It awakens in man an intuitive feeling of the freat Silence that was before the ord and out of which everything arose. Through silence one could be connected to everything in nature. Silence is present within every man as the only Reality. Only when silence is awekened, all that is unreal goes to everlasting sleep. The miracle of silence is that where death might be---The Beloved appears.
When the anoe of words glides along the river of silence, music emanates. Silence in music has always the pause, the rest, the moment of silence. The state or condition when nothing is audible__absence of all sound or noise. Complete quietness or stillenss---noiselessness sometimes personified. Silence is never more audible than when the last sound of music has died away.
Beloved Baba gave the only gift worthy of being received in silence, The Gift of Love. He said, "Spread it like fire". He set me aflame. This flame consumes everything leaving nothing behind. If one is blessed to be aflame with love he allows himself to be consumed in silence. Words can never express what this means.
Blessed is silence. In silence, you can rise from thought to the fullness of Pure Knowing and rest in your own true being.
Febuary 24, 1962